Skill Accounts For Everything – A Day to Remember

John Mabey a Reigate based Chartered Account put his abacus down in exchange for the flight controls and what a time he had.

Sitting in the control tent, Andrew explains how the simulator system is controlled.


John now dressed, being helped on with his parachute, nearly ready to go.


Standing next to Spitfire AH, ready to scramble. 


Strapped in and ready to go.  Looking good John .. nice hair style, must be one of the brill cream boys!


Now at the controls, John flying low over the Lake District, initially making a hard turn right then flying between the gap in the hills. Total exhilaration.

Commenting, John said,

This is incredibly realistic.  Great fun and what a day to remember, I am glad I made the trip and  came up

Get the experience of a lifetime.

Climb into the cockpit of our full size custom built replica of a Spitfire MKV with original instruments and interior. The aircraft is mounted in front of a panoramic projection screen to give you a full sense of immersion in the simulator.