Lock Down,
An Opportunity to Do Things Left to Another Day

Hangar 42 may be shut and UK Plc locked down and for some of us quarantined for 3 months, being more susceptible to complications from infection … not all is doom and gloom, life has not stopped. For most of us, a golden opportunity to do those many small tasks left to another day, rolling in to next month or next year. Does that sound familiar ? Welcome to the Covid-19 twilight zone.

No simulator to maintain, tweak and watch wanna-be pilots go through their paces, thanks to Covid-19. Andrew, keeping true to the aviation theme and his passion for renovation and Dinky toys set himself a challenge.
Give a real face lift to the Dinky Spitfire, Stukas, Comets and an Air France Britannia. His skills branched out to include a renovation of UFO Shadow Interceptor. Broken parts were replaced be they bombs, props, cockpits or a SHADOW missile, some items specially produced using 3D printing technology.

On a more historic theme, Andrew refurbished the mechanism of a WW2 Bren Gun as used in the anti aircraft role. Very apt and timely as we celebrate VE Day this week.
The results speak for themselves … a job well done.
PS: Hangar 42 remains a bat-soup free zone !