Few simulators have pushed the bounds of incorporating a full range of authentic working controls that synch with the flight simulator software. That's why the detail of the Spitfire of the simulator will put you in the pilot's seat!
A Real 'Spitfire' Experience
When you pull the stick back you climb, so does the altimeter. Likewise, when you push throttle forward, you hear the engine noise change and feel the vibration through the seat.
The near to real flight experience and total emersion was built in to the design by Andrew from the outset, with his many years of experience of working with fast jet avionics has helped.

View in the early build days of the cockpit coming together. Being fully wired for action.

Taking six years to construct and test. Most parts are the real deal or highly accurate working copies.

Now ready for action and visitors. View from the rear of the Spitfire flying fast and low over Lake District.
Attention to detail as a personal attribute on live jets has morphed across to the Spitfire simulator. Big on Andrew’s priorities was to build an “office” that looked and felt as close to the real thing as possible. A recent visitor and front-line military jet pilot commented,
"The simulator is as good as the real thing I have trained on”.
"The simulator is as good as the real thing I have trained on”.